

英语很迷人. 多年来, 这种强大而诗意的语言塑造了我们一些最引人注目的故事. 古典诗歌和小说吸引了大部分的注意力, 但最近的流行文化现象也值得肯定.

通过考查音乐背景下的英语语言, 电影和电视, we can learn a lot about how we use it in our daily lives 和 how it is now used on a global scale. 为此目的, 我们将深入探讨流行文化语言, touching on everything from the evolution of lyrics to 英语 phrases in movies 和 on TV.


音乐经常被认为是一种通用语言, 而且还, 我们现在在收音机里听到的大多数歌曲都是以 英语语言. This was not always the case; as such, 在巴洛克和古典时期, 最具代表性的作曲家居住在维也纳.

在19世纪末, 像留声机和留声机这样的发明为流行音乐铺平了道路, 经常在纽约的锡盘巷生产. This thrived because of everything that set it apart from its classical predecessors: while classical music called for individuality, 流行音乐迎合了大众听众的喜好.

Other cutting-edge musical movements also found their origins in 英语-speaking regions: jazz in New Orleans, 例如, 或者密西西比三角洲的蓝调. Pop 和 rock eventually headed overseas but could not escape 英语语言 dominance — the Beatles sparked the British Invasion 和 cemented the UK’s status as a musical powerhouse.

None of 这 is to say that artists from other regions are incapable of finding mass appeal. 在时间, 来自非英语国家的流行音乐家或乐队(ABBA或BTS), for example) have largely found success by singing in 英语 rather than their native tongues.

英语在音乐中的突出地位有许多历史原因, 但是语言特征也起了作用. 英语 is simpler than many languages because it doesn’t have gendered nouns or precise vowels, 尽管有一些语法上的复杂性. 这使得它更加灵活,因此更容易写出有意义的歌词.


法国制作了许多令人惊叹的电影, 韩国和印度, 但不可否认的是,最卖座的电影通常都是彻头彻尾的美国电影. 在某种程度上,这与早期的成功有关 电影行业 在好莱坞. 20世纪初,电影制片人蜂拥而来,因为, 当时, 西海岸提供了最划算的拍摄机会.

随着电影业转向“有声电影”,许多电影在外语市场上举步维艰, 因为当时的技术不适合配音. Foreign-language versions of 英语 films were previously produced alongside one another,但 the original 英语 versions were generally far more entertaining 和 more likely to feature the best talent of the era.

这些天, the opposite approach is just as common: popular films from all around the world are remade in 英语. 戒指 represents the ultimate example of a film that achieves great success in one country before making an equally powerful impression on American audiences, although many other remakes have also attempted to bring the Asian horror phenomenon across the pond.

类似的, many directors 和 producers who have proven successful in various global markets have managed to exp和 their notoriety by moving into 英语语言 movies. Canadian director Denis Villeneuve is one who successfully made the switch from French language films to the shocking Hollywood hit 囚犯之后是一系列广受好评的电影.

与音乐一样,英语的相对简单在电影世界中也很受欢迎. 再一次,它的灵活性允许令人印象深刻的创造性解释. 与此同时, the language’s shift toward colloquialism allows for many catchy 英语 phrases in movies that ultimately translate to everyday usage.


和电影一样,电视广播在很大程度上起源于美国. 在电视的早期, 广播是由RCA的子公司NBC开创的, 它最初是为纽约的特定观众服务的. The industry saw a brief halt during World War II but came back even stronger in the 1950s.

同样地, 有线电视 起源于美国.S. 它的前身是社区电视(CATV), 目的是把电视带到俄勒冈州最偏远的地区, 宾夕法尼亚和阿肯色. 今天, 有线电视提供了许多机会来迎合各种类型的观众, 然而,, 许多顶级节目因为其简单易懂的英语对话而具有大众吸引力.

Many iconic shows have brought 英语 to TV screens across the globe while also helping shape the world’s perception of Americans. 有力的例子包括:

  • 朋友被广泛引用的 收视率最高的美国电视节目 在英语学习者中, 朋友 席卷了全世界. This sitcom captured the colloquial charm of the 英语语言 in a way that few other shows before or since have managed to convey. 可预见的流行语的使用在很大程度上增加了它的大众吸引力, 尽管如此,它仍然很搞笑.
  • 电线. 它的全球观众可能不像英国情景喜剧那样庞大 朋友,但 电线 它对方言的革命性使用值得认可. A 《bbin》 review of the show refers to it as the “most systematic 和 subtle in its observation of the way shared vocabularies define groups 和 structure worlds.”
  • 权力的游戏. 提供了一个独特的一瞥多语言的力量(但在一个幻想的世界), 权力的游戏 它的“通用语言”是英语,,但也涉及虚构的语言,如多斯拉克语和高瓦雷利亚语.


英语长期以来主导着流行文化,但它的用法随着时间的推移而演变. Its rise as the lingua franca — a common language among many types of speakers from many geographic 和 cultural environments — occurred along 与 rise of mass media.

从那时起, 英语语言和流行文化相互影响, 许多源于电视的术语和短语进入了全球方言. The main change has involved how accessible 英语 media is to people around the world, 但是语言本身也在进化, 与 《bbin》 指出口语化是一个特别值得注意的改编.

最近我们对英语的使用变得更随意了, 以及一些曾经被视为不恰当的做法, 比如使用缩写, 现在在正式写作中也很常见吗.

根据牛津英语词典, the language has “seemed to operate in a more relaxed 和 tolerant environment” in recent years, 也许是因为它在大众媒体上同样随意的使用.


英语经常起着语言桥梁的作用, linking people from many parts of the globe by providing a language that all can underst和. 这是世界上最常用的语言,据估计 1.50亿年 以英语为母语或作为第二语言.

因为来自不同文化背景的人都能说流利的英语, talented individuals from many regions can join forces to produce multicultural works that draw on a variety of fascinating perspectives.

热门电影《bbin》展示了跨文化娱乐的力量, 以英语为主. 它吸引了全球人才, 包括委内瑞拉制片人Jorge Granier和古巴编辑Raul Davalos, 等. 另一个例子? 动漫中的英语. This might not seem like an 英语 phenomenon,但 anime has certainly developed a global following. 尽管起源于日本, 日本作品的英语改编版越来越多地出现在银幕上. 这通常与外来词有关, 引用的概念不容易通过日语来理解. 在其他情况下,英语有助于动漫脱颖而出.


英语在流行文化中的主导地位可能是当前的现实, 但根据批评人士的说法,情况可能并非总是如此, 这 英语-centric环境 可能是有害的. 人们的担忧包括那些英语说得不流利的人被边缘化, plus the potential for language loss as speakers emphasize 英语 learning over other cultural traditions.

怀疑论者认为,强调英语可能会有限制, 因为它有时会阻碍出色的导演, producers or screenwriters from receiving the respect 和 notoriety they deserve — unless they eventually give in 和 make the switch to 英语. However, 这 is not always ideal as 英语 simply cannot capture every cultural concept or nuance.

这些批评当然是有道理的, 和 we should absolutely strive for greater representation across a variety of cultural 和 linguistic environments. 近年来,这一趋势非常明显, 正如这部韩国杰作的成功所示 寄生虫这是第一部获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖的非英语电影.

如果评论家看到他们的愿景成真, 英语将只是颁奖典礼上展示的众多语言之一, 在银幕上, 在广播和全球媒体消费的频谱上. 在那之前, we can make the most of the opportunities that an 英语-oriented media l和scape provides: cross-cultural connection, 强大的协作和这种非凡语言的简单之美.


英语继续主导着流行文化的许多领域,但 这 is giving way slightly with creatives from all corners of the globe finding ways to achieve notoriety in their native languages.

我们已经提到过 寄生虫但也有许多其他的成功案例,包括来自韩国的几个. 电视节目 鱿鱼的游戏 创下流媒体轰动的记录, 和, 虽然前面提到的防弹少年团使用了大量的英文歌词, 韩国歌词也很重要.

这一趋势在流行音乐比赛欧洲电视网也很明显, 哪一个, 多年来, 主要以英语为中心(除了少数例外). 最近, 然而, many hit songs have allowed artists to express themselves in their native tongues: the winning song “祝你好运!” 让玛玛斯金在全球引起轰动, 和 Kalush Orchestra captured hearts by blending Ukrainian folk traditions with hip hop.

这种趋势在中国也很明显 研究 使用Spotify等流媒体平台进行的, where listeners in many regions increasingly appear to prefer songs in their native languages. 相应的, 在TikTok, 许多人更喜欢讲母语的网红发布的内容. 该平台起源于中国,但仍然支持多种语言. 在不同的文化中,TikTok抓住了本土语言的力量.

The loss of 英语’s cultural dominance (on social media 和 in pop culture) need not limit future 英语-language works, 因为在以英语为母语的人群中仍然有很多人才, 更不用说, 值得讲述的故事. 英语 remains a wonderful collaborative vehicle 和 an excellent tool for creative expression. 它也是一门多用途的语言,强调了无数的职业机会.

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bbin是 认证 由 高等教育委员会.
